TSA Looses Control of Funds While Hiring Workers

Press Release

Date: July 21, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

TSA Looses Control of Funds While Hiring Workers

U.S. Rep. Joel Hefley, R-Colo., gives his Porker of the Week award to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for losing control of homeland security dollars during its initial drive to hire workers.

A recent audit of the TSA, performed by the Defense Contract Audit Agency, found the agency spent millions on questionable expenses during its nationwide push to fill nearly 60,000 available TSA jobs after Sept. 11, 2001.

"Homeland security is undeniably crucial, however, to blatantly squander taxpayer dollars in the name of protecting our homeland is unjustifiable.

"The TSA, in its rush to put in place thousands of screeners following September 11, lost control of millions of dollars that could have been spent on real products and services to protect Americans.

"I question how $1,180 for 20 gallons of Starbucks Coffee at a hiring site in California, $526 for one phone call to Iowa City from another site in Chicago, or $19,292 for extra electrical circuits and cables at a site in New York City helped to keep our country secure.

"There was a lack of checks and balances in the contracting and subcontracting process employed by the TSA to screen and hire candidates, leaving room for many mistakes to be made and a blank check to be signed, which was footed by the taxpayer.

"The TSA should have been more responsible with important homeland security dollars needed to keep our country safe."
